Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Specialist in Augusta GA

21nov 2014
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome is due to compression of a nerve called the Posterior Tibial Nerve. The nerve passes into the foot from around the inside of the ankle just below the ankle bone.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Specialist in Augusta GA

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome is due to compression of a nerve called the Posterior Tibial Nerve.The nerve passes into the foot from around the inside of the ankle just below the ankle bone. Just beyond this point, the nerve enters the foot by passing between a muscle and a bone in the foot. This area is called the Tarsal Tunnel. The Posterior Tibial Nerve is the largest nerve that enters the foot.

At the level of the ankle, the nerve branches out like the branches of a tree as it goes out toward the toes. This nerve supplies most of the sensation to the bottom of the foot and the muscles in the bottom of the foot. When pressure is placed on this nerve, a burning or numbness will be experienced on the bottom of the foot. The area of the bottom of the foot that is affected can be variable. Most commonly, it affects the outside portion of the bottom of the foot. It can also affect the toes, mimicking a neuroma. The most common cause of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome is a flat foot or a foot in which the arch flattens excessively while walking. 

Tarsal tunnel is a condition that typically can be managed and resolved effectively through our customized care as specialized Augusta GA chiropractors and Evans GA chiropractors.  If trauma or swelling is involved, our initial course of care is to reduce swelling with ice, compression, elevation and other specialized treatments such as cold laser.  As one of the few clinics in the state of Georgia able to customize your chiropractic care with cold laser treatments, we have been able to successfully help patients with their Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.  It is then critical in the resolution of tarsal tunnel syndrome that navicular, calcaneaus, and talus bones be aligned and functioning properly.

With no side effects associated with cold laser, many of our patients were able to not only successfully treat their Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, but they were able to avoid surgery and the complications that can arise from it.

We welcome you to schedule a complimentary consultation at Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic to find out if our customized cold laser treatments are the right fit for your condition.

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Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic